Same same but different

There’s something different about this site but I can’t quite put my finger on it….?

What is it…oh that’s it…we’ve gone YELLOW.

There are so many reasons for the change but here’s the top five

a) it’s our favourite colour

b) reminds us of sunshine

c) allows us to wear designer sunglasses inside

d) allows us to remain linked but independent of our maternal home (

e) we have short attention spans and a change is as good as a holiday (albeit a cheap one)

Apart from a new theme, the twitter feed on the right hand side (if it can’t be said in 160 characters it’s not worth sharing) everything is the same.

I am STILL an Atlas Athlete and this is the best place to get informative, entertaining, banal, long-winded drivel, just like before, only now it’s YELLOW.

About Atlas Athlete

I am a full-time non-professional amateur wannabe athlete with a writing problem. I am easily entertained and this is part training and part therapy.

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